Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Applied Language Studies

Barnes and Nobles (by Susann Kneisel)In Applied Language Studies, we believe that first-class language skills are indispensable to the study of English at university level. Via our participation in the full range of the Bachelor and Master programmes offered at the Department of English and American Studies, we provide a broad spectrum of modularised language courses in English tailored specifically to the linguistic needs of our undergraduate and postgraduate students, whether they are preparing for careers in academic, educational, or in increasingly global professional environments. Our courses are taught by experienced academic staff and are based on established pedagogical principles encouraging learner-autonomy.

In addition to encouraging students to reflect in English on key issues pertaining to their specialised fields of study within literature, education, culture and linguistics, we develop the full repertoire of linguistic skills and competencies graduates will need in order to function effectively in a broad range of professional settings, including oral presentation and text production, translation and mediation, and intercultural management. Additionally, we offer optional courses in translating and interpreting at Bachelor level, and one of our staff members runs a highly successful and a well acclaimed theatre group.





Theater Group HUbbub

Theatergruppe HUbbub (by Peter Lucko)

Fig.: Peter Lucko