Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Executive Director of the Department:

Prof. Dr. Elahe Haschemi Yekani


Deputy Director:

Prof. Dr. Anne Enderwitz


Executive Assistant:

Dr. Cornelia Wilde


Secretary (and website administration):

Roby Chu


Section Secretaries:

American Studies - Xelhá Sánchez Chavarría
Applied Language Studies & English Linguistics - Susann Röthke
English Studies - Jana Sodtke
English Language Education - Regine Schlößer



Office Hours of the department office:

Roby Chu, Dorotheenstraße 28, Room 0.02

Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag   09.00-13.00
Mittwoch                                  13.00-17.00
Freitag                                     09.00-13.00 (per E-Mail)




Other Office Hours

Generally you will find all updated office hours on the staff / faculty page of each member.



The Department Board (Institutsrat)

The department board (Institutsrat) is the elected representation of the students, academic and non-academic staff of the department. It discusses and decides all matters of immediate concern in the department and prepares proposals to the faculty board and the university administration.

The next board meetings in the winter term 24/25 will take place on these days:


28.10.2024, 18.11.2024, 16.12.2024, 13.01.2025, 03.02.2025


- The Faculty Board (Fakultätsrat) is meeting on the following dates:


15.01., [05.02.]*, 12.02.2025, 23.4.2025, 21.5.2025, 18.6.2025, 16.7.2025


Elected Members of the Department Board

Prof. Stephan Breidbach

Prof. Markus Egg

Prof. Elahe Haschemi Yekani

Prof. Anne Enderwitz

Marit Vos

Leon Rake


Successors: Prof. Eva Boesenberg, Prof. Dr. Evangelia Kindinger, Prof. Dr. Mingya Liu, Tijana Ristic Kern, Alina Krüger



Kommission für Lehre und Studium (KLS)



Computer Support für Mitarbeiter*innen:

Bei Bedarf vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin unter

Computer-Support der Fakultät

Support in den SmartBoard-Räumen (Frank Junghans), Tel. (030) 2093 73316



Bei Problemen mit der Website des Instituts, wenden Sie sich bitte an das Institutssekretariat: