Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Prof. Dr. Markus Egg


Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Autumn term 2008 MA course (Research Master) ‘Discourse and pragmatics’ (with H. Mazeland)

ESSLLI 2008, Hamburg

Summer 2008 ‘The syntax-semantics interface: theoretical insights and practical implementations’ (with V. Kordoni)

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Autumn term 2007
  • BA course ‘Introduction to linguistics’ (in Dutch)
  • MA course (Research Master) ‘Discourse and pragmatics’ (with H. Mazeland)
Spring term 2007 MA course ‘Computer-mediated communication’ (in Dutch)
Autumn term 2006
  • BA course ‘Digital communication’ (in Dutch)
  • MA course ‘Text and discourse’ (with G. Redeker, in Dutch)

ESSLLI 2006, Malaga

Summer 2006 ‘Argument linking’ (with V. Kordoni)

LOT Summer School 2006, Amsterdam

Summer 2006 Semantic interfaces

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Spring term 2006
  • MA course ‘Text and discourse’ (with G. Redeker, in Dutch)
  • BA course ‘Metaphor and metonymy’ (in Dutch)
Autumn term 2005
  • BA course ‘Digital communication’
  • MA course ‘Text and discourse’ (with G. Redeker, in Dutch)
Spring term 2005 BA course ‘Digital communication’

ACL 2005, Ann Arbor

Summer 2005 Tutorial on Computational Semantics (with V. Kordoni)

Universität Saarbrücken

Winter term 2004 Lecture with practical exercises (4 hrs) ‘Prolog 1’
Summer term 2004: Lecture with practical exercises (4 hrs) ‘Algorithms for Computational Linguistics in Prolog (Prolog 2)’

ESSLLI 2004, Nancy

Summer 2004 Recent developments in Computational Semantics’ (with V. Kordoni)

Universität Jena

Summer term 2003

Universität Leipzig

Winter term 2002
  • Advanced course ‘Syntactic theory II’ (in English)
  • Advanced course ‘Middle English language and literature’ (with J. Ronthaler; in English)
  • Advanced course ‘Introduction to formal semantics’ (in English)
  • Introductory course ‘Introduction to synchronic linguistics’ (in English)
  • Examenskolloquium
Summer term 2002
  • Advanced course ‘Historical linguistics’ (in English)
  • Advanced course ‘Syntactic theory’ (in English)
  • Introductory course ‘Introduction to synchronic linguistics’ (in English)
Winter term 2001
  • Lecture ‘Introduction to synchronic linguistics’ (in English)
  • Introductory course ‘Introduction to synchronic linguistics’ (in English)
  • Advanced course ‘The historical development of English’ (in English)
  • Advanced course ‘Aspectual semantics’ (in English)

Universität Bielefeld

Summer term 2001

Universität Saarbrücken

Winter term 1999
  • Advanced course ‘The semantic lexicon’ (with M. Pinkal)
  • Software project ‘Reinterpretation’ (with J. Niehren and A. Koller)
Winter term 1997 Advanced course ‘Underspecification’ (with M. Pinkal)

Universität Konstanz

Winter term 1994 Lecture ‘Understanding texts. Linguistic knowledge and world knowledge’
Winter term 1992 Lecture ‘Introduction to Montague Grammar’
Winter term 1991 Advanced course ‘Tense and Aspect’