Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Prof. Dr. Markus Egg

Recent presentations

* = invited talk

December 2008 ‘Coherence and lexical cohesion in discourse from a genre perspective’, VIOT 2008, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (with I. Berzlánovich and G. Redeker).
December 2008* ‘The semantics of event nominalisation’, 8. Tagung zur Ereignissemantik, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim (with S. Bücking).
November 2008* ‘Scope below the word level’, Universität des Saarlandes.
August 2008* ‘Underspecification: from semantics to discourse’, Plenary talk, 13th Conference on Formal Grammar, Hamburg.
August 2008 ‘Which syntax is required by semantics?’, Workshop What syntax feeds semantics?, ESSLLI 2008, Hamburg.
July 2008 ‘Discourse structure and lexical cohesion in expository and persuasive texts’, Constraints on Discourse III, University of Potsdam (with I. Berzlánovich and G. Redeker).
March 2008* ‘Partial information on discourse structure’, lecture series Discourse op dinsdag, University of Utrecht.
February 2008 ‘Aspect and coercion in Ancient Greek’, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Bamberg (with C. Bary).
February 2008* ‘Specification of discourse representations’, Plenary talk, Computational Linguistics in Flandres, Catholic University of Leuven.
January 2008* ‘Diskursrelationen in Unterspezifikationsformalismen’, Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim (mit M. Regneri).
December 2007* ‘Aspect and coercion in Ancient Greek’, 7. Ereignissemantik-Konferenz, Schloß Hohentübingen (with C. Bary).
December 2007 ‘Meaning and use of rhetorical questions’, Amsterdam Colloquium 2007, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
December 2007 ‘Aspectual coercion in Ancient Greek’, Amsterdam Colloquium 2007, Universiteit van Amsterdam (with C. Bary).
December 2007* ‘The semantics and pragmatics of rhetorical questions’, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
November 2007 ‘Aspectuele herinterpretatie’, Biennial meeting of Greek and Latin linguists of the Low Lands ‘Katwijk 2007’ (with C. Bary).
October 2007 ‘Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses’, Workshop on parenthesis and sentence amalgamation, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
October 2007 ‘Semantic construction for restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses’, Colloque de syntaxe et de sémantique Paris.
September 2007* ‘The semantics and pragmatics of rhetorical questions’, Plenary talk, Conference ‘Sinn und Bedeutung’ 12, University of Oslo.
July 2007 ‘On the interaction of relational coherence and lexical cohesion in expository and persuasive text genres’, 10th International Pragmatics Conference, University of Gothenburg (with G. Redeker).
July 2007 ‘Predicting discourse structure from syntax’, 10th International Pragmatics Conference, University of Gothenburg (with G. Redeker).
June 2007* ‘Current issues in discourse structure theory’, Plenary talk, International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
May 2007* ‘Semantic construction for restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses’, University of Oslo.
April 2007* ‘Unterspezifizierte Repräsentation von Diskurs’, Universität Leipzig.
April 2007* ‘Orality and literacy on the internet - a linguistic ‘revolution’?’, Universität Zürich.
March 2007* ‘Rhetorical questions’, DIP Colloquium, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
February 2007* ‘Zur Modellierung von Diskursstruktur’, Universität Potsdam.
January 2007 ‘Partial discourse structure annotation’, Universiteit Leuven (with G. Redeker).