Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Courses (previous terms: 1999-2008/09)

Previous terms:
WS 08/09 Textanalyse - Amerikanistik
SS 2008 The American City Novel
SS 2008 American Bodies
WS 07/08 Concepts and Paradigms of American Literary Studies
WS 07/08 Transatlantic Cultural Exchange: History and Theory
WS 06/07 Concepts of Literary and Cultural Studies
SS 2006 Race and Place in American Literature and Culture
WS 05/06 Nathaniel Hawthorne
WS 05/06 Concepts of Literary and Cultural Studies
WS 04/05 Einf. in die amerikanische Literaturwissenschaft
WS 04/05 Paradigms of American Literature and Culture: Concepts of Literary and Cultural Studies
WS 03/04 Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft USA I
WS 03/04 Representations of Homelessness
WS 02/03 African American Literature: The Twentieth Century
SS 2002 Amerikanische Lyrik der Moderne
WS 01/02 Ethnicity and the Novel
SS 1999 Race und Gender am Beispiel der Harlem Renaissance