Exams (MAPs)
The final exam or other assessment for a module (Modulabschlussprüfung, MAP) can take various forms (e.g. written exam, oral exam, assignment, take-home exam). If it is a written or oral exam, it will take place during the official exam periods, while other forms of assessment are not necessarily limited to the exam periods.
To be able to do a MAP, you must register for it on AGNES. Registration is usually possible in the month before the exam period in question. The dates for the exam periods and the times when you can register for MAPs (or withdraw your registration for them) are listed on the website of our faculty. The dates of the individual MAPs will be announced by your instructors and are indicated when you register on AGNES.
- If you are unsure whether you will be able to prepare adequately for all the MAPs you wish to do, it makes sense to register for all of them. You can withdraw your Agnes registration for one or more of the MAPs if you find that you have taken on too much work. If this describes your situation, it would be wise to make note of the deadline for withdrawing registrations.
- In deciding which MAPs to attempt in a given exam period, it is worth noting that not all MAPs can be examined in every exam period. For instance, examiners at the end of their teaching contracts may not be able to examine students after the first or second exam period after the end of their course, so it would make sense to attempt MAPs involving such courses as early as possible.
- If you wish to register for a MAP but cannot attend the exam at the time indicated for some important reason (say a clash with another exam), this is not necessarily a reason not to register. You can ask your examiners whether they offer alternative appointments for the exam.
- You have to register for each exam session separately. Thus, students who fail a MAP will have to register again for the exam session in which they repeat the MAP.
- Before registering for a MAP, it would be wise to double-check that you have understood the structure of the module you wish to be examined on. Some students fail MAPs because they have inaccurate information on which courses are in a module and which of those courses are examined in the MAP. (One source of inaccurate information is other students who are attending the same courses but are in another module with different exam requirements.) The official syllabus documents (Studien- und Prüfungsordnung) of your program of studies (see links below) give definitive information on which courses belong to a given module. However, they don’t always indicate which of the courses are examined in the MAP (for instance whether the MAP for a two-course module is based on both courses in the module or only one of them). Your instructors should provide you with this information. If in doubt, ask them.
- registration via AGNES
Exam Registration, Examtination Office (Prüfungsbüro), Exam Periods (Prüfungszeitraum)