Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Welcome to a new member of the department in the winter term 2017/18


American Studies and English Studies



Prof. Dr. Elahe Haschemi Yekani

As of September 2017, Elahe Haschemi Yekani is Professor of English and American Literature and Culture with a Focus on Postcolonial Studies at the Department of English and American Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. From March 2014 to August 2017 she was Junior Professor of English Literature at the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Flensburg. Previously she was a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz and Assistant Professor at the Department of English at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. In 2012, she acted as the substitute for the Junior Professorship British Cultural Studies at the University of Potsdam. She received her PhD from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 2009, which was published as The Privilege of Crisis. Narratives of Masculinities in Colonial and Postcolonial Literature, Photography and Film (Campus 2011, won the Britcult Award 2009). Currently, she is about to finish her second book Familial Feeling: Queer Entanglements between Early Black Atlantic Writing and the Rise of the British Novel, in which she traces an entangled literary history of canonical bourgeois novels of the late 18th and 19th century with the earliest written testimonies of Black British writers. Her research interests include the Anglophone novel, American and British TV, Queer Theory, Postcolonial and Gender Studies as well as Intersectionality. She is the co-founder of the criticalhabitations blog.