Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Selected Publications & Lectures

  • Schwalm, Helga. Das eigene und das fremde Leben. Biographische Identitätsentwürfe in der englischen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007. text & theorie Ser. 7.
  • Schwalm, Helga. Dekonstruktion im Roman. Erzähltechnische Verfahren und Selbstreflexion in den Romanen von Vladimir Nabokov und Samuel Beckett. Diss. Univ. Hamburg, 1990. Heidelberg: Winter, 1991.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "‚Best of …‘. Books of Obituaries und literarische Nachrufe in englischen Zeitungen der 1920er und 1930er Jahre". Der Tod und seine Presse: Nachrufe im literarischen Feuilleton der Zwischenkriegszeit. Eds. Sabine Eickenrodt, Ethel Matala de Mazza. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2023. 241-260. DOI:
  • Schwalm, Helga. "(Re-)Packaging Knowledge and The Business of Format: Benjamin Martin's The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences (1755–64)". Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2023), DOI:
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Die vielen Lives des Samuel Johnson. Biografische Freundschaft zwischen kleiner Form des Epitaphs und großer Biografie." Pro Domo: Kunstgeschichte in Eigener Sache. Eds. Matthias Krüger, Léa Kuhn, Ulrich Pfisterer. Paderborn: Brill Fink, 2021. 89-108.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Sympathy across Eighteenth-Century Worlds: Proximity against Global Vision." Postcolonial Studies 23.3 (2020) 313-329, DOI: 10.1080/13688790.2020.1802110.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Imagining Compromised Creativity: Art and Fear in Shostakovich Bio-Fiction." Slavonica 25.1 (2020) 25-41, DOI: 10.1080/13617427.2020.1754573.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Sympathy and the Poetics of the Epitaph in the Long Eighteenth Century." Sympathy in Transformation: Dynamics between Rhetorics, Poetics and Ethics. Eds. Roman Barton, Alexander Klaudies, Thomas Micklich. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. 256-273.

  • Schwalm, Helga. "Transformations and Migrations of Sympathy in Eighteenth-Century
    Moral Philosophy and Poetics.” Poetica 47.3-4 (2015), 151-175. [published 2017]
  • Schwalm, Helga. "(Teaching) Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go - Biotechnology, Intersubjectivity, and Reader Response." (Inter)relations and Integration in Multicultural Language Scapes. Eds. Joanna Stolarek and Jarosław Wiliński. Siedlce: Wydawnictwo, 2016. 87-101.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Literary Configurations of the Peripatetic". Life Writing and Space. Eds. Eveline Kilian, Hope Wolf, Kathrin Tordasi. Farnham: Ashgate, 2016. 75-88.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Lives of the Physicians – Samuel Johnson, Medicine and Biography." Discovering the Human: Life Science and the Arts in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Eds. Ralf Haekl and Sabine Blackmore. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2013. 157-169.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Investigating Processes of Transition in Early Nineteenth-Century Working-Class Autobiography – Theoretical and Methodological Considerations of Textual Practices and the Empirical." Text or Context: Reflections on Literary and Cultural Criticism. Eds. Rüdiger Kunow and Stephan Mussil. ZAA Monograph Series, 15. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013. 153-163.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Women Contemporary Arctic Narrative." Anglistik International Journal of English Studies 24.1 (2013) 111-123.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Lebensgeschichte, Topographie & biographische Spuren: Zur postmodernen Romantik in Richard Holmes' Footsteps. Adventures of a Romantic Biographer." Literatur als Lebensgeschichte: Biographisches Erzählen von der Moderne bis zur Gegenwart. Eds. Peter Braun und Bernd Stiegler. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2012. 23-39.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Śledząc magazyn ‘Granta’ i brytyjski dżihad." Wojna i postpamięć. Eds. Zbigniewa Majchrowskiego and Wojciecha Owczarskiego. Gdansk UP: Gdansk, 2011.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "The Lake Poets/Authors: Topography, Authorship and Romantic Subjectivities." Gender and Creation. Surveying Gendered Myths of Creativity, Authority and Authorship. Ed. Anne-Julia Zwierlein. Heidelberg: Winter 2010.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Figures of Authorship, Empathy, & The Ethics of Narrative (Mis-)Recognition in Ian McEwan’s Later Fiction." Ian McEwan: Art and Politics. Ed. Pascal Niklas. Heidelberg: Winter, 2009. 173-86.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Circularity and Subjectivity in Autobiography: Conversion, Closure, Hermeneutics, and Beyond." Symbolism. An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 9 (2009): 41-66.
  • Middeke, Martin and Helga Schwalm. "The Return of Biography: Introduction." Anglistentag Bamberg. Proceedings. Eds. Christoph Houswitschka, Gabriele Knappe and Anja Müller. Trier: WVT, 2006. 349-54.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Postethnicity und das Scheitern der Polyphonie: Hanif Kureishis Black Album (1995)." Cool Britannica. Literarische Selbstvergewisserungen vor der Jahrtausendwende. Eds. Norbert Greiner and Roland Weidle. Trier: WVT, 2006. 225-42.
Articles (Handbuchartikel)
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Social History"; "Autobiography"; "Anne Halkett: The Autobiography of Anne, Lady Halkett, 1677-78 (1875)"; "William Wordsworth: The Prelude (1850)". Handbook of Autobiography/Autofiction. Ed. Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2019. 
  • Schwalm, Helga. "William Godwin, Caleb Williams (1794)." Handbook of British Romanticism. Ed. Ralf Haekel. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2017, pp. 293-307.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Autobiography." Handbook of Narratology.Eds. Peter Hühn, Jan Christoph Meister, John Pier, Wolf Schmid. 2nd Edition. Vol I, 2014, pp. 14-29.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Autobiography.” The Living Handbook of Narratology. Eds. Peter Hühn et al. Hamburg: Hamburg University (16 April 2014).
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Autobiographie”, “Autobiographischer Roman”, “Biographie”, “Biographischer Roman”, “Close reading”, “Dekonstruktion”, “New Criticism.” Metzler Lexikon Literatur. 3rd rev. ed. 2007.
  • Schwalm, Helga. Rev. of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads 1798 and 1802. Ed. by Fiona Stafford & Lucy Newlyn, William and Dorothy Wordsworth: ‘All in Each Other’. The BARS Review 44 (2014) <>.
  • Schwalm, Helga. Rev. of The Romantics and the British Landscape. Stephen Hebron. The Colleridge Bulletin Online New Ser. 34 (Winter 2009).
  • Schwalm, Helga. Rev. of Autobiography and Gender in Early Modern Literature. Reading Women’s Lives, 1600-1680. Sharon C. Seelig. Anglia. Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie 126.1 (2008): 154-57.
  • Schwalm, Helga. Rev. of Die englische fiktionale Autobiographie. Erzähltheoretische Grundlagen und historische Prägnanzformen von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Martin Löschnigg. Anglia. Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie 126.1 (2008): 165-68.
Recent lectures and conference papers
  • Schwalm, Helga. “The Many Lives of Dmitri Shostakovich.” December 2017. 
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Art & Fear: Shostakovich in Contemporary Anglophone Biofiction." Helsinki. August 2017.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Sympathy and Figures of Expansion in the Long Eighteenth Century." Berlin. June 2016.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "The many Lives of Samuel Johnson." Munich. June 2016.
  • Schwalm, Helga and Roman Barton. "Configurations of Expansion and the Poetics of Sympathy in Lord Kames' Elements of Criticism." Oxford. January 2016.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Transformations and Migrations of Sympathy in Eighteenth-Century Literature". Munich. July 2015.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Kurze Biographien im langen 18. Jahrhundert". Ringvorlesung Poetik und Pragmatik kleiner Formen. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. June 2015.
  • Schwalm, Helga. "Transitory Lives: Working-Class Life Writing in Early 19th-Century Britain." Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. June 2013.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Peripatetic Auto/Biographies.” King’s College London. Oct. 2011.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “John Burnside & Autobiography: From Counterfactual Narration to Parallel Lives.” Darmstadt. Sep. 2011.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Rethinking the Empirical in Literary/Cultural History.” Freiburg. Sep. 2011.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Figuration von Autorschaft im postmodernen historischen Roman.” Freie Univ. Berlin. Jun. 2011.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “(Inter-)Textuality, ‘Reach’, and the Significance of Quantitative Data: On Investigating Early Ninetheenth-Century Working-Class Autobiography.” Univ. Potsdam. Feb. 2010.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “The Lake Poets: Topography, Authorship, and Romantic Subjectivities.” Univ. Regensburg. Nov. 2009.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Investigating ‘Granta’ & the British Jihad.” Univ. Gdansk. Sep. 2009.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Lives of the Physicians: Samuel Johnson, Medicine, and Biography.” Humboldt-Univ. Berlin. Sep. 2009.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Biographie und Subjektivität. Überlegungen zur sozial- und literaturwissenschaftlichen Biographietheorie.” Univ. Potsdam. Jun. 2009.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Ian McEwan: Figures of Authorship, Empathy, & The Ethics of Narrative (Mis-)Recognition.” Humboldt-Univ. Berlin. Mar. 2009.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Biographie als (topographische) Textpraxis.” Univ. Potsdam. Dec. 2008.
  • Schwalm, Helga. “Lebensgeschichte, Topographie & biographische Spuren: Zur postmodernen Romantik in Richard Holmes’ ‘Footsteps. Adventures of a Romantic Biographer’” Univ. Konstanz. Nov. 2008.