EEL Colloquium
Program of WiSe2024/25
January 16, 2025
venue: Seminarraum 004, Universitätsstr. 3b
Questions, modal assertions, and aporia: against a categorical divide
Anastasia Giannakidou (University of Chicago)
venue: Besprechungsraum 0.03, Dorotheenstraße 28
Weak and strong epistemics in assertions, polar questions and declarative questions
Manfred Krifka (HU Berlin/ZAS)
A register approach to modal concord in English
Mingya Liu and Stephanie Rotter (HU Berlin)
Mood and complementizer choice in complements of X-marked emotive factives (joint work with Laura Merino Hernández and Fabio Del Prete)
Frank Sode (HU Berlin)
January 23, 2025
venue: Seminarraum 004, Universitätsstr. 3b
Modals in Jamaican Creole: from ideas to a coherent BA thesis in linguistics (mini workshop for students)
Johanna David (HU Berlin)
venue: Room 3.01E, Dorotheenstraße 28
Writing a thesis in lingistics: Q&A (voluntary session)
Mingya Liu (HU Berlin)