Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Publications and Conferences



Bahar G., Kunter, G. & Kos, T. (2024). Error Patterns and Avoidance in English Relative Clauses: Insights from Central Kurdish Learners. Linguistics and Education (submitted).

Kos, T. (2024). A review of research on language learning in mixed-proficiency peer interactions. Implications for language pedagogy (submitted). In Pladevall Ballester, E. (Ed.), Peer interaction in the foreign language classroom (forthcoming). Multilingual Matters.

Kos, T. (2024). Collaborative writing and learning of reported speech during mixed-age peer interactions in English as a foreign language classroom. International Journal of Applied Linguistics (submitted).

Kos, T. (2024). "And now, let’s read it together!" A peer-mediated reading intervention in secondary EFL classrooms in Germany. Lend. (submitted).

Kos, T. (2024). Enhancing young learners’ peer collaboration through tasks–what can language pedagogy learn from research? Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Journal (TESL-EJ), 28(2), 1-20.

Kos, T. (2024), Enhancing Young Learner's Peer Collaboration: Pedagogical Ideas for Language Teachers. TESOL J.

Kos, T. (2024). Mixed-age primary classroom foreign language teaching: Implications for teacher education. In S. Mourão, & C. Leslie (Eds.), Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning (pp. 66-79). Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003289043-6

Kos, T. (2024). Kamishibai: Diving into the culture of the rising sun and contemplating the potential for primary school CLIL. G. Bergner & C. Falkenhagen, (Eds.), Storytelling in Primary CLIL (pp.112-133). Gabriele Schäfer Verlag. ISBN 978-3-910594-04-3.

Kos, T. (2023). Exploring peer support among young learners during regular EFL classroom lessons. International Journal of Applied Linguistics.

Kos, T. (2023). Kooperative Schreibaufgaben im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Blended Learning. Gute Aufgaben im digital gestützten Unterricht. Pädagogik, 7-8, 69 – 71. DOI: 10.3262/PAED2308069

Kos, T. (2023). Young EFL Learners Collaboratively Writing a Dialogue During a Regular Classroom Lesson. International Journal of English Studies, 23(1), 49–79.

Kos, T. (2023). Exploring peer support among young learners during regular EFL classroom lessons. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 00, 1– 21.

Kos, T. & Friedrich, Z. L. (2023). Exploring peer collaborative writing in EFL secondary mixed-age classrooms. Studies in English Language Teaching, 11(1), 55-74. DOI:

Kos, T. (2023). Wie können kooperative Lernstrategien vermittelt werden? Pädagogik 2/2023. 10.3262/PAED2302042.

Kos, T. (2023). Peer support and learning of lexical chunks in mixed-age peer interactions of EFL young learners. ELIA: Estudios De Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 22, 45–91.

Kos, T. (2022). Exploring same- and different grade peer interactions among EFL young learners. Journal of Second Language Studies.

Kos, T. (2021). Pedagogical challenges of foreign language teaching in mixed-age primary school classrooms. Teacher-researcher’s insights. Language Teaching for Young Learners, 3(1), 66–92.

Kos, T.  (2021). What exactly is mutuality? An analysis of mixed-age peer interactions on classroom tasks in German secondary school classrooms. In M. García Mayo (Eds.), Working Collaboratively in Second/Foreign Language Learning (pp. 59-88). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Kos, T. (2021). Exploring young learners’ L2 development and perceptions of mixed-age and same-age peer interactions in EFL mixed-age classrooms. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(2), 331-364.

Kos, T. (2020). Exploring learning opportunities of pair work in mixed-age secondary school EFL classrooms in Germany, European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 4(4),107-140.

Kos, T. (2019). Exploring peer perceptions of mixed-age peer interactions in mixed-age secondary school EFL classrooms in Germany. European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 4(1).

Kos, T. (2019). Patterns of Interaction: Analysis of Mixed-Age Peer Interactions In Secondary School Classrooms In Germany. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 9(1), 1-29.

Kos, T. (2019). Peer assistance among mixed-age pairs in mixed-age EFL secondary school classrooms in Germany. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 61-112.



  • Teaching (With) Picturebooks: Context, Competences, Criticism, Symposium at the University of Rostock, November 2024, Exploring the use of picture books as a resource during pre-service teacher training in CLIL 
  • Second Language Teacher Education: Inspiring Creativity, Cultivating Excellence, SLTED Konferenz in Brno, September 2024, two presentations:
    Enhancing pre-service teacher training in CLIL through project-based learning
    Mixed-age primary classroom foreign language teaching: Implications for teacher education
  • 21st International LASLAB Conference, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), October, 2024, two presentations:
    Enhancing pre-service teacher training in CLIL through project-based learning
    Enhancing young learners’ collaboration through tasks – What can language pedagogy learn from research?
  • Keynote speaker, GReLA International Seminar “Examining Language Learning, Policy and Use: Methods and Insights, October, 2024
    “And now, let’s read it together!” A peer-mediated learning intervention in secondary EFL classrooms in Germany
  • Netzwerktagung Fremdsprachenforschung und Fremdsprachendidaktik in Deutschland und Brasilien am Beispiel der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Universidade de São Paulo, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, October, 2024
    Didaktik der englischen Sprache und Literatur / Didática do inglês como língua estrangeira
  • Teaching (With) Picturebooks: Context, Competences, Criticism, Symposium at the University of Rostock, November, 2024
    Exploring the use of oicture books as resource during pre-service teacher training in CLIL to promote young learners' double literacy
  • Language Education in Multicultural Europe: Geopolitical Changes, Identity Configurations and Didactic Priorities, Centre Marc Bloch, Centre de recherche en sciences sociales de Berlin, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften, Berlin, October, 2024
    Enhancing pre-service teacher training in CLIL through project-based learning
  • Second Language Teacher Education: Inspiring Creativity, Cultivating Excellence, SLTED Konferenz in Brno, September 2024, two presentations: a) Enhancing pre-service teacher training in CLIL through project-based learning, b) Mixed-age primary classroom foreign language teaching: Implications for teacher education.

  • INAUGURAL INTERNATIONAL ELLRA CONFERENCE, University of the National Education Commission (UKEN) Krakow, Poland, April, 2024, two presentations: a) Young EFL learners collaboratively writing a dialogue during a regular classroom lesson And b) Exploring peer support among young learners during regular EFL classroom lessons
  • The 24th Annual International Conference of the English Department, University of Bucharest, Romania; “An inquiry into peer support among young learners during common EFL classroom lessons.”
  • Language, Literature, and Media, May, 2023, Beograd, „Kamishibai" Diving into the culture of the rising sun”.
  • Psychological perspectives on second/foreign language learning and teaching, May, 2023, Szczyrk, Poland, “An inquiry into peer support among young learners during common EFL classroom lessons.”
  • The 6th International Conference on Research in Education (ICRECONF), March, 2023, Vienna,  Austria, Keynote Speaker, Peer Collaborative Learning among Young Learners in Foreign Language Classrooms: What Does the Research Say?”
  • The International Conference on Research in Education (ICRECONF), July 2022, Munich, Germany, “Young EFL learners collaboratively writing a dialogue during a regular classroom lesson.”
  • Fremdsprachendidaktisches Kolloquium 2022, June, Freie Universität Berlin, “Teaching young learners how to work together. Pedagogical ideas for language teachers”.
  • Storytelling in Primary CLIL, June, 2022, Martin-Luther Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, “Kamishibai, Diving into the culture of the rising sun”.
  • AELTE, 2022, Ankara, Turkey, 21st Century Challenges in ELT, “Teaching young learners how to work together. Pedagogical ideas for language teachers”.
  • IRAAL, 2021, Ireland, “Exploring the links between age differences, patterns of interaction, and second language development of EFL young learners”
  • LERC 2021, Greece, “Exploring the links between age differences, patterns of interaction, and second language development of EFL young learners”
  • 32nd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition Szczyrk, Poland, 2021, Pedagogical challenges of foreign language teaching in mixed-age primary school classrooms and the implications for teacher ”
  • 32nd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition Szczyrk, Poland, 2021, Exploring young learners’ L2 development and perceptions of mixed-age/proficiency and same-age/similar proficiency peer interactions in EFL classrooms in Germany
  • The H-INET International Spring Conference “Winds of Change: Evolving Pedagogies and Practices”, 2021, L2 Development and perceptions of mixed vs. same-age peer interactions
  • The International Online Conference Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning, 2020. Pedagogical challenges of foreign language teaching in mixed-age primary school classrooms. Teacher-researcher’s insights
  • Okinawa JAL T's Virtual Trends in Language Teaching Conference, 2020, Pedagogical Challenges of Mixed-age Primary Classroom FL Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education
  • The Oral-Written Connection in the Learning of Second/Foreign Languages Conference in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 2018, What exactly is mutuality? An analysis of mixed-age peer interactions in secondary school classrooms in Germany (Research study presentation)
  • The European Second Language Association (EuroSLA) Conference in Reading 2017, Peer relations and peer assistance in mixed-age in foreign language classrooms (a research study presentation as a part of the colloquium on Exploring peer dynamics & learning in the foreign language classroom)
  • Task-based Language Teaching Conference in Loeven, Belgium, 2016, Peer interactions in mixed-age EFL secondary school classrooms
  • Lancaster University Postgraduate Research Conference in Lancaster, UK, 2015, Peer interactions in mixed-age EFL secondary school classrooms (Pilot study presentation), Peer interactions in mixed-age EFL secondary school classrooms (Pilot study presentation)