Publications & Presentations
Selected Publications
- Selves & Nations: The Troy Story from Sicily to England in the Middle Ages, Britannica et Americana 3: 25 (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2008) [644pp]
Summaries & reviews in: Medioevo Latino 30 (2009): 682; Reference and Research Book News 25.3 (2010): 248; English and American Studies in German 2007: 71-73; Speculum 85.1 (2010): 154-55 [C. David Benson]; Comparative Literature Studies 47.2 (2010): 250-53 [R. F. Yeager]; Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 247.1 (2010): 184-87 [Wladyslaw Witalisz]; Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 58.1 (2010): 71-72 [John Flood]
Edited Collections
- ed. with Cornelia Wilde, Perfect Harmony and Melting Strains: Transformations of Music in Early Modern Culture between Sensibility and Abstraction, Transformationen der Antike (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2018), forthcoming
- ed. with Dagmar Schlüter, "A Fantastic and abstruse Latinity"? Hiberno-Continental Cultural and Literary Interactions in the Middle Ages, Studien und Texte zur Keltologie 12 (Münster: Nodus, 2017) [219pp]
- Challenging Canadian Multiculturalism, spec. issue of LWU: Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 45.3-4 (2014 for 2012): 145-275.
- ed. with Kirsten Sandrock and J. Derrick McCLure, Scottish Renaissances, spec. issue of European Journal of English Studies 18.1 (2014)
- ed. with Claus Uhlig, Europa zwischen Antike und Moderne: Beiträge zur Philosophie, Literaturwissenschaft und Philologie, Beiträge zur Neueren Literaturwissenschaft (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013) [527pp]
- ed. with Marcus Callies and Astrid Lohöfer, Bi-directionality in the Cognitive Sciences: Avenues, Challenges, and Limitations, Human Cognitive Processing 30 (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2011) [309pp]
- ed. with Wendy Marie Hoofnagle, Other Nations: The Hybridization of Medieval Insular Mythology and Identity, Britannica et Americana 3: 27 (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011) [247pp]
- ed. with Gene Walz, Screening Canadians: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Canadian Film (Marburg: Universitätsbibliothek, 2008) [195pp]
- ed. with Sonja Fielitz, Literature as History/History as Literature: Fact and Fiction in Medieval to Eighteenth-Century British Literature (Frankfurt/Main: Lang, 2007) [214pp]
- Tales and Typescripts: Carol Shields and the Creative Process, spec. section of Ahornblätter 19 (2007): 161-231
- ed. with Martin Kuester, Writing Canadians: The Literary Construction of Ethnic Identities (Marburg: Universitätsbibliothek, 2002)
Articles (since 2006)
- "'Therout com so gret a noyse': The Harmony of the Spheres and Chaucerian Poetics," Sing aloud Harmonious Spheres: Renaissance Conceptions of the Pythagorean Doctrine of Cosmic Harmony, edited by Jacomien Prins and Maude Vanhaelen (London: Routledge, 2017), in press
- "Eingebildetes Wissen: Imaginationstheorie, Haushalt und Kommerz in spätmittelalterlichen britischen Traumvisionen," Humanistische Ökonomien des Wissens, edited by Judith Frömmer and André Otto, spec. issue of Zeitsprünge 21.3-4 (2017): 339-359
- "Arrogant Authorial Performances: From Chaucer's Cressida to Shakespeare's Criseyde," in Love, History and Emotion in Chaucer and Shakespeare: "Troilus and Criseyde" and "Troilus and Cressida," edited by Andrew James Johnston Russell West-Pavlov, and Elisabeth Kempf (Manchester University Press, 2016), pp. 141-156
- "Genres and Developments in Medieval Poetry: The Fifteenth Century," in A History of British Poetry: Genres - Developments - Interpretations, edited by Sibylle Baumbach, Birgit Neumann, and Ansgar Nünning, WVT-Handbücher zum Literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium 18 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015), pp. 41-54
- "Challenging Canadian Multiculturalism: Introduction," in Challenging Canadian Multiculturalism, edited by Wolfram R. Keller, spec. issue of LWU: Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 45.3-4 (2014 for 2012): 145-157
- "Geoffrey Chaucer's Mind Games: Household Management and Aesthetics in the Prologue to the Legend of Good Women," in From Peterborough to Faëry: The Poetics and Mechanics of Secondary Worlds, edited by Thomas Honegger and Dirk Vanderbeke (Zurich: Walking Tree, 2014), pp. 1-24
- with Jocelyn Keller, "'Now is the Time': Shakespearean Temporalities in Akira Kurosawa's Ran," in The Medieval Motion Picture: The Politics of Adaptation, edited by Andrew James Johnston, Maggie Rouse, and Philip Hinz, New Middle Ages (Houndmills: Palgrave, 2014), pp. 19-40
- "Chaucer und Boccaccio: Literarische Autorschaft zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne," in Giovanni Boccaccio in Europa: Studien zu seiner Rezeption in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, edited by Achim Aurnhammer and Rainer Stillers, Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013), pp. 261-275
- "Chaucers Klang(t)räume: Chaucer, Boethius und die Harmonie," in Europa zwischen Antike und Moderne: Beiträge zur Philosophie, Literaturwissenschaft und Philologie, edited by Claus Uhlig and Wolfram R. Keller, Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte (Heidelberg: Winter, 2013), pp. 99-124
- "Canadian Popular Classics: Recycling Homer's Odyssey in Novels by Frederick Philip Grove, Robert Kroetsch, and Margaret Atwood," in ranam 45 (2012): 37-50
- "Evolutionary Art: Charles Dickens's Bleak House and the Ovidian Metamorphosis of the Victorian Novel," in Telling Stories/Geschichten erzählen: Literature and Evolution/Literatur und Evolution, edited by Carsten Gansel and Dirk Vanderbeke, spectrum Literaturwissenschaft/spectrum literature 26 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2012), pp. 310-326.
- "Penelopean Transtlanticism: Margaret Atwood's Penelopiad and the Translation of Empire," in Narratives of Crisis - Crisis of Narrative, edited by Martin Kuester et al. (Augsburg: Wißner, 2012), pp. 22-41.
- "Shakespearean Medievalism: Conceptions of Literary Authorship in Richard II and John Lydgate's Troy Book," in Medievalism, edited by Ute Berns and Andrew James Johnston, special issue of European Journal of English Studies 15.2 (2011): 129-142
- "Auktoriale Godgames: Die transgressive Selbst-Institutionalisierung literarischer Autorschaft in William Shakespeares Measure for Measure und Ben Jonsons Volpone," in Ereignis Literatur: Institutionelle Dispositive der Performativität von Texten, edited by Csongor Lörincz, Lettre (Bielefeld: transcript, 2011), pp. 379-408
- with Astrid Lohöfer and Christine Ott, "How Novels Feel: Emotional and Rational Reading Processes in Contemporary Fiction," Bi-directionality in the Cognitive Sciences: Avenues, Challenges, and Limitations, Human Cognitive Processing 30 (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2011), pp. 83-100
- with Marcus Callies and Astrid Lohöfer, "Bi-directionality: Avenus, Challenges, and Limitations," in Bi-directionality in the Cognitive Sciences: Avenues, Challenges, and Limitations, Human Cognitive Processing 30 (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2011), pp. 1-18
- "Authorizing Trojan England: Mythological Transgression and Hybridity in Chaucer's House of Fame," in Other Nations: The Hybridization of Medieval Insular Mythology and Identity, edited by Wendy Marie Hoofnagle and Wolfram R. Keller, Britannica et Americana 3: 27 (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011), pp. 185-205
- with Wendy Marie Hoofnagle, "Hybridity, Mythology, and Nationhood," in Other Nations: The Hybridization of Medieval Insular Mythology and Identity, edited by Wendy Marie Hoofnagle and Wolfram R. Keller, Britannica et Americana 3: 27 (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2011), pp. 1-11
- "Exiled at Home: Ovidian Abandonment and Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre," in What Countrey's This? And Whither are we Gone?, edited by J. Derrick McClure, Karoline Szatek-Tudor, and Rosa E. Penna (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2010), pp. 196-217
- "Of Prairies and Empty Pages: Geoffrey Chaucer's House of Fame, David Williams's The River Horsemen, and the Hermeneutics of the Blank," in Mosaic to Salad Bowl: Essays on Canadian Writing, edited by R. P. Singh (New Delhi, 2010), pp. 33-50
- "'Unconquered into chaos': Edwin Muir, the Sonnet, and the (Scottish) Renaissance," in Shakespeare's Sonnets: Loves, Layers, Languages, edited by Sonja Fielitz (Heidelberg, 2010), pp. 97-113
- "Ovid Sailing the Prairies: Abandonment and the Creative Process in Carol Shields's Various Miracles," in Short Stort Criticism, edited by Jelena O. Krstovic, vol. 126 (Detroit, Mich., 2010), 131-38 [online version @ Thomson Gale's Literature Resource Center]
- with Kirsten Sandrock, "Beyond the Limits of Individuality? Genre and Nation in Lady Grisell Baillie's Household Book," in Further from the Frontiers…: Cross-currents in Irish and Scottish Studies, edited by Aimee McNair and Jacqueline Ryder (Aberdeen, 2009), pp. 63-73
- "'Long live the New Flesh'? David Cronenberg's Videodrome and the Limits of Ovidian Metamorphosis," in Semiotic Encounters: Text, Image and Trans-Nation, edited by Sarah Säckel, Walter Göbel, and Noha Hamdy (Amsterdam, 2009), pp. 263-76
- "Discovering Strangeness: Metaphor, Allegory, and Cultural Otherness in Rudy Wiebe's A Discovery of Strangers," in West of Eden: Essays on Canadian Prairie Literature, edited by Sue Sorensen (Winnipeg, Man., 2008), pp. 187-204
- with Mareike Neuhaus, "The One about Telling (Inuit) Stories (to Germans)," in Ahornblätter 20 (2008): 30-41
- "Fresh Colors of Rhetoric: John Lydgate and Medieval English Nationhood," in Anglistentag 2007: Münster, edited by Klaus Stierstorfer (Trier, 2008), pp. 385-99
- with Marcus Callies, "The Teaching and Acquisition of Focus Constructions: An Integrated Approach to Language Awareness across the Curriculum," in Language Awareness 17, no. 3 (2008): 249-66
- with Christian Uffmann, "Careful...Canadians: Guy Maddin's Structural Allegory of Canadian Identity," in Screening Canadians: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Canadian Film, edited by Gene Walz and Wolfram R. Keller (Marburg, 2008), pp. 161-82
- "Ovid Sailing the Prairies: Abandonment and the Creative Process in Carol Shields's Various Miracles," in Reading(s) from a Distance: European Perspectives on Canadian Women's Writing, edited by Charlotte Sturgess and Martin Kuester (Augsburg, 2008), pp. 200-15
- with Astrid Lohöfer and Christian Pauls, "What's at Stake: Jeanne D'Arc between Historiography and Propaganda," in Literature as History/History as Literature: Fact and Fiction in Medieval to Eighteenth-Century British Literature, edited by Sonja Fielitz and Wolfram R. Keller (Frankfurt/Main, 2007), pp. 43-60
- "Trying to Glimpse the Man behind the Mask of the Monster: David Williams's Mythological Construction of Regional Counter-Nationhood," Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 26, no. 1 (2006): 77-92
Reviews in Anglia, Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Literaturen, British Journal of Canadian Studies, English Studies, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Renaissance Quarterly, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien
Recent Presentations
- "Trojan Temporalities in William Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, Robert Henryson's Testament of Cresseid, and Geoffrey Chaucer's Troy Stories," Trojan Temporalities: Constructing Hybrid Antiquities, Research Group/Forschergruppe 2305: Diskursivierungen von Neuem, 31 Aug. 2017, Berlin, Germany
- with Margitta Rouse, "Temporal Hybridities in Medieval and Early Modern England," Vormoderne Hybriditäten, Research Group/Forschergruppe 2305: Diskursivierungen von Neuem, Ruhr-Unibersität, 9 May 2017, Bochum
- with Margitta Rouse, "Competing Antiquities in the Transmission of the Troy Story in Late Medieval England," Troie en Europe au Moyen Âge, Sorbonne Nouvelle 3, 7 Apr. 2017, Paris, France
- “Mental Household Management: The Economics of the Imagination and Literary Innovation in Late-Medieval English Dream Visions,” Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, King’s College, 21 Mar. 2017, London, United Kingdom [invited paper]
- "'Their marriage is pure Beauty: Aesthetic Resonance and the Politics of Time," Humboldt University, 22 July 2016, Berlin
- "Managing Mental Architecture in Late-Medieval English Dream Visions," Memory and Narrative - Architectural Spaces in the Old Norse Tradition, HU Berlin, 10-11 Mar. 2016, Berlin
- "Medievalizing the Oikos: Mental Household Management in The Kingis Quair and the Palis of Honoure," To speik off science, craft or sapience: Knowledge and Temporalitiy in Medieval and Renaissance Scotland, SFB Episteme in Bewegung, 03-04 Sept. 2015, Berlin [invited paper]
- "Eingebildetes Wissen: Antike Imaginationstheorie im Spannungsfeld von Haushalt und Kommerz," Vom Wert und Erwerb der Bildung: Humanistische Ökonomien des Wissens, Romanistentag, 26-29 July 2015, Mannheim (read in absentia)
- "Re-Medievalizing Dreams: The Economics of Imagination in Post-Chaucerian Dream Visions," Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, 26-28 Mar. 2015, Berlin
- with Jocelyn Keller, "Now's the Time," Transcending Medieval Temporalities, FU/HU/SFB Episteme in Bewegung, 29 May - 01 Jun. 2014, Berlin [invited paper]
- “Boccaccio im englischen Spätmittelalter,“ 700 Jahre Boccaccio, Studium Generale-Vorlesung der Philipps-Universität Marburg, 27. Nov. 2013, Marburg, Germany [invited paper]
- "Geoffrey Chaucer's Household Dreams," Oikonomia und Chrematistike: Wissen und Strukturen von “Wirtschaft” im antiken und frühneuzeitlichen Europa, Excellence Cluster Topoi, 07-08 Nov. 2013, Berlin
- "Ovid-Transformationen im England des 19. Jahrhunderts," Interdisziplinäres Literaturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 30 April 2013, Marburg, Germany [invited paper]
- "Chaucerian Mind Games: Mental Topographies and Literary Authorship in the Legend of Good Women," 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, 9-13 May 2012, Kalamazoo, Mich., USA
- "Cacophonous Classics: Poetological Noise in Late Medieval English Literature," Le déjavu et l'authenticité dans les cultures anglophones: contacts, frictions, heurts, Savoir dans l'Espace anglophone: Répresentations, culture, histoire, 16-17 March 2012, Université de Strasbourg, France
- "New Troy: Troja im mittelalterlichen England," 07 February 2012, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- with Astrid Lohöfer, "Autorisierung auto/biographischer Erfahrung im spätmittelalterlichen England, lecture series: Autobiographische Praktiken/Autobiographisches Wissen, 11 January 2011, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- "Un-Boethian Noise: Poetological Disharmony in Late-Medieval Dream Visions," Renaissance Transformations of Antiquity: Harmonia mundi, 24-26 March 2011, Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada
- "Placing the Prairies - Re-placing the Classics?" Place and Replace: A Joint Meeting of the Western Canadian Studies and the St John's College Prairie Conferences, 16-18 September 2010, St John's College, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, paper accepted (with Martin Kuester)
- "Die Institutionalisierung literarischer Autorschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit: Shakespeares Measure for Measure und Ben Jonsons Volpone," Literatur und Institution, 17-19 June 2010, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- "Authorial Arrogance: Criseyde, the Miller, and Chaucerian sprezzatura," Chaucer and the Traditions of Medieval Authorship, 17th Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society, 15-19 July 2010, Siena, Italy
- "Passionate Authorial Performances: Chaucer's Criseyde to Shakespeare's Cressida," Performing the Poetics of Passion: Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, International Workshop of the Research Project "Passion and Distinction" within the Excellence Cluster "Languages of Emotion," Free University, 13-15 May 2010, Berlin
- "'I do disdain they courtesy, proud Trojan': Arrogance and Shakespeare's Medieval Authorship," Shakespearean Medievalism, Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, 11-13 April 2010, Venice, Italy
- "'The Part to Play': Edwin Muir's Sonnets and the Scottish Literary Renaissance," Shakespeare's Sonnets: 400 Years of Literary and Cultural Contexts, 19-21 November 2009, University of Marburg, Germany
- "Ovidian Abandonment and Poetic Tradition: The Case of the Victorian Novel," International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies, 13th International Congress, 24-29 August 2009, Berlin, Germany
- "Evolutionary Art: Charles Dickens's Bleak House and the Ovidian Metamorphosis of the Victorian Novel," Telling Stories: Evolution and Literature — The Evolution of Literature, 22-24 May 2009, University of Jena, Germany