Recent Publications
Olsen, Susan, 2000. Against Incorporation. In: Dölling, Johannes & Th. Pechmann (eds.), Festschrift für Anita Steube. Leipzig: LAB, 149-172.
Olsen, Susan, 2000. Article 87. Composition. In: Booij, Geert, Chr. Lehmann & J. Mugdan (eds.), Morphology. A Handbook of Inflection and Word Formation. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 897-916.
Olsen, Susan, 2000. Compounding and Stress: A closer look at the boundary between morphology and syntax. Linguistische Berichte. 181, 55-69.
Olsen, Susan, 2001. Copulative Compounds. A Closer Look at the Interface between Morphology and Syntax. In: Geert Booij& Jap van Marle (eds.), Yearbook of Morphology 2000. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 279-320.
Olsen, Susan, 2001. Coordination in Syntax and Morphology: the case of copulative compounds. In: Geart van der Meer & Alice terMeulen (eds.), Making Sense: from Lexeme to Discourse. Festschrift for Werner Abraham, Center for Language and Cognition Groningen, 87-101.
Bußmann, Hadumod, ed. Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft 3. neubearb. Auflage. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2002. Lemmata on Word Formation.
Olsen, Susan, 2002. Constraints on Copulative Compounds.In: Scholz, Sybil, Monika Klages, Evelyn Hantson & Ute Römer (eds.). Language: Context and Cognition. Papers in Honour of Wolf-Dietrich Bald's 60th Birthday. München: Langenscheidt-Longman, 247-257.
Olsen, Susan, 2002. Coordination at Different Levels of Grammar. In: Gymnich, Marion, Vera Nünning & Ansgar Nünning (eds.), Literature and Linguistics: Approaches, Models and Applications. Studies in Honour of Jon Erickson. Trier: WVT, 169-188.
Olsen, Susan, 2004. The Case of Copulative Compounds. In: terMeulen, A. &Abraham, W. (eds.), The Composition of Meaning. From lexeme to discourse. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 17-37.
Tappe, Heike, Härtl, Holden & Olsen, Susan,2004Thematic information, argument structure, and discourse adaptation in lan¬guage production. In: Pechmann, T. & Habel, C. (eds.) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language Production. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter: 139-172.
Olsen, Susan, 2007. Mel’čuk, Igor A.: Aspects of the theory of morphology. Ed. by David Beck. – Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006. XVI, 615 S. Germanistik 48: 45-46.
Olsen, Susan (ed.), 2010. New Impulses in Word-Formation. Hamburg: Buske.
Olsen, Susan, 2010. New Impulses in Word-Formation. Susan Olsen (ed.): New Impulses in Word-Formation, 5-20. Hamburg: Buske.
Olsen, Susan, 2012. Der Einfluss des mentalen Lexikons auf die Interpretation von Komposita. In: Gaeta, Livio & Barbara Schlücker (eds.), Das Deutsche als kompositionsfreudige Sprache, 135-170. Berlin: Walter deGruyter. (= Linguistik – Impulse und Tendenzen).
Olsen, Susan, 2012. Semantics of Compounds.In: Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger and Pau lPortner (eds.), Semantics. An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning vol. 3, 2120-2150. Berlin/New York/Boston: DeGruyter Mouton.
Olsen, Susan, 2014. Coordinativestructures in morphology. In: Antonio Machicao y Priemer, Andreas Noldaand Athina Sioupi (ed.): Zwischen Kern und Peripherie. Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik, 269-286. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Olsen, Susan, 2014. Delineating Derivation and Compounding. In: Rochelle Lieber and Pavol Stekauer (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology, 26-49. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Olsen, Susan, 2015. Composition. In: Müller, Peter O., Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Susan Olsen and Franz Rainer (eds.), Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, 364-386. Berlin/New York/Boston: DeGruyter Mouton. (= Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, HSK 40.1).
Müller, Peter O., Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Susan Olsen and Franz Rainer (eds.), Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, 2015-2016. Berlin/New York/Boston: DeGruyter Mouton. (= Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, HSK 40.1-5).
Olsen, Susan, 2017. Synthetic Compounds from a Lexicalist Perspective. In: ZeitschriftfürWortbildung/ Journal of WordFormation. Vol 1(1): 15-43.
Olsen Susan, 2019. Innerconnectness and variation of meaning in derivational patterns. In: SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 16(1): 19-34.
Olsen, Susan, 2019. The instrument suffix -er. In: Brown et al. (eds.), Of Trees and Birds: A Festschrift in Honor of Gisbert Fanselow, 2-14. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
Olsen, Susan, 2020. The Relatedness of Meaning in Derivational Patterns. Proceedings of Mediterranean Morphology Meetings, 2019, Vol 12:64-76.
Müller, Peter. O. und Susan Olsen (eds.), 2022. Wortbildung. Ein Lern- und Konsultationswörterbuch. Mit einer Systematischen Einführung und englischen Übersetzungen (Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 2). Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.
Olsen, Susan, 2023. Exocentric compounds. In: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology. 20 pages. Wiley. Online Library.