Courses before 2012
Current Courses
WiSe 2011/12:
- BA Modul 1
- BA Modul 6
- BA Modul 9 / 10
- MA Linguistik
Previous Courses
SoSe 2011
- BA Modul 1
- BA Modul 6
- BA Modul 8
- BA Modul 9 / 10
WiSe 2010/11:
- BA Modul 1
- BA Modul 6
- MA Linguistik
- Examenskolloquium
SoSe 2010:
Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
Modul 6
- SE: Word Formation
Modul 8
- Syntactic Processes in Grammar
Modul 10
- SE: Composition
- Examenskolloquium
WiSe 2009/10:
Sabbatical Semester
SoSe 2009:
BA Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
BA Modul 6
- SE: Word Formation
Modul 10
- SE: Morphology
- MA Linguistics
- Concept Combination
- Colloquium: Preparation for Exams
WiSe 2008/09:
BA Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- SE: Introduction to Linguistics
BA Modul 6
- SE: Word Formation
- MA Linguistics
- SE: Specific Language Impairment
- Colloquium: Preparation for Exams
SoSe 2008:
BA Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
BA Modul 6
- SE: Morphology
BA Modul 10
- SE: Theoretical Syntax
- MA Linguistik
- SE: Verbal Semantics: Shifts and Alternations
- Colloquium: Preparation for Exams
WiSe 2007/08:
BA Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- SE: Introduction to Linguistics
BA Modul 11
- SE: Theoretical Syntax
- MA Linguistik
- SE: Morphology at the Interface
- Colloquium: Preparation for Exams
SoSe 2007:
BA Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- SE: Introduction to Linguistics
BA Modul 6
- SE: Syntax
BA Modul 11
- SE: Event Structure
- Colloquium: Preparation for Exams
WiSe 2006/07:
BA Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- SE: Introduction to Linguistics
BA Modul 6
- SE: Syntax
BA Modul 11
- SE: Compounds: The Cognitive Basis
- Colloquium: Preparation for Exams
SoSe 2006:
BA Modul 1
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- SE: Introduction to Linguistics
- Modul 6
- SE: Word Formation
- Modul 11
- SE: Syntax
- Colloquium: Preparation for Exams
WiSe 2005/06:
Sabbatical Semester
SoSe 2005:
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- English Word Formation
- Semantics: Stucture of Events
- Übung zum Hauptseminar
- Colloquium: Neurological Foundation of Linguistic
- Representations und Processes
WiSe 2004/05:
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- SE: Specific Language Impairment
- SE: Syntactic Theory
- Colloquium: Grammar Theory
SoSe 2004:
- VL: Fundamentals of Linguistic Analysis
- Composition
- Semantics: Stucture of Events
- Colloquium: Grammar Theory
WiSe 2003/04:
- VL: Fundamentals of Linguistic Analysis
- SE: Syntax
- SE: Specific Language Impairments
- Colloquium: Optimality Theory
SoSe 2003:
- VL: Fundamentals of Linguistic Analysis
- HS: Lexical Semantics
- HS: The Learnability Paradox
- Colloquium: The Neurological Foundation of Linguistic
- Representations und Processes
WiSe 2002/03:
- VL: Fundamentals of Linguistic Analysis
- HS: Argument Alternations
- HS: Language Acquisition
- Colloquium: Lexical and Conceptual Semantics
SoSe 2002:
- VL: Introduction to Linguistics
- SE: Syntactic Theory
- SE: Composition
- Colloquium: Semantic vs. Conceptual Knowledge