- Die Dichtungstheorie S. T. Coleridges: Die Imagination als Paradigma der romantischen Poetologie, Neue Beiträge zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Band 9 (Frankfurt/Main: Athenäum, 1970), 334 pp.
Summary: "S. T. Coleridge's Theory of Poetry: The Paradigmatic Role of the Concept of the Imagination in Roman¬tic Poetics", in: Werner Habicht, ed., English and American Studies in German, 1971 (Tübingen, 1972), pp. 100 102.
- Amerikastudien Theorie, Geschichte, interpretatorische Praxis, Sonderband, Amerika-studien/American Studies (Stuttgart, 1977), 287 pp. (co-ed. with Martin Christadler).
- History and Tradition in Afro American Culture (Frankfurt/Main, 1984), 334 pp. (ed.).
- Summary: Werner Habicht, ed., English and American Studies in German, 1984 (Tübingen, 1985), pp. 149 51.
- The Crisis of Modernity: Recent Critical Theories of Culture and Society in the United States and West Germany (Frankfurt/Main: Campus, Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, 1986), xi, 374 pp. (co-ed. with Kurt L. Shell)
- Summary: Horst Weinstock, ed., English and American Studies in German, 1986 (Tübingen, 1987), pp.155 58.
- Reconstructing American Literary and Historical Studies (Frankfurt/Main: Campus, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990), 435pp. (co-ed. with Hartmut Keil and Sabine Bröck ¬Sallah).
- Summary: Horst Weinstock, ed., English and American Studies in Germany, 1990 (Tübingen, 1991), pp.112-115.
- Afro Amerika im amerikanischen Dokumen¬tar¬film (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1993), 242 pp. (ed., Essays in English or German).
- Der amerikanische Dokumentarfilm: Herausforderungen für die Didaktik (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1994), 232 pp. (co-ed. with Lothar Bredella).
- American Studies in Germany: European Contexts and Intercultural Relations (Frankfurt/-Main: Campus, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), 280 pp. (co-ed. with Klaus J. Milich).
- Amerikanische Kurzgeschichten im 20. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart:Reclam Verlag, 1998), 670 pp. (ed.).
- TransAtlantic Encounters: Multiculturalism, National Identity, and the Uses of the Past (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2000), 198 pp. (co-ed. with Peter J. Ling).
- Postmodern New York City: Transfiguring Spaces – Raum-Transfigurationen (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2003), 357 pp. (co-ed. with Utz Riese)
- CinematoGraphies: Fictional Strategies and Visual Discourses in 1990s New York City (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006), 360 pp. (co-ed. with Dorothea Löbbermann, Karl-Heinz Magister).
- Toward a New Metropolitanism: Reconstituting Public Culture, Urban Citizenship, and the Multicultural Imaginary in New York and Berlin (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006), 496 pp. (co-ed. with Friedrich Ulfers, Antje Dallmann).
- "Von der Erkenntnis der literarischen Struktur zur Struktur der literarischen Erkenntnis: Metakritische Bemerkungen zu R. S. Crane und Northrop Frye," Jahrbuch für Amerikastu¬dien 17 (1972), pp. 100 27.
- "James Baldwin," in Martin Christadler, ed., Amerikanische Literatur der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen (Stuttgart, 1973), pp. 155 89.
- "Der Einspruch der Geschichte: Idealistische Ästhetik und klassizistische Praxis im Hinblick auf Hölder¬lins Empedokles Projekt," in Kuno Schuhmann, Wilhelm Hortmann, Armin Paul Frank, eds., Miscellanea Anglo¬ Americana: Festschrift für Helmut Viebrock (München, 1974), pp. 231 78 (with Klaus Hofmann).
- "American Studies Wissenschaftskritik und Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Bemerkungen zur neueren Theorie¬diskussion um die American Studies in den USA," in Martin Christad¬ler, Günter H. Lenz, eds., Ameri¬kastudien Theorie, Geschichte, interpretatori¬sche Praxis, Sonderband, Amerikastudien/American Studies (Stuttgart, 1977), pp. 29 103.
- "Southern Exposures: The Urban Experience and the Re Construction of Black Folk Culture and Com¬munity in the Works of Richard Wright and Zora Neale Hurston," New York Folklore 7 (Summer 1981), pp. 3 39.
Revised version also in Günter H. Lenz, ed., History and Tradition in Afro American Culture, pp. 84 117. - "American Studies Beyond the Crisis? Recent Redefinitions and the Meaning of Theory, History, and Practical Criticism," in Jack Salzman, ed., Prospects 7: An Annual of American Cultural Studies (New York, 1982), pp. 53 113.
- "Gettoerfahrung, Gettokultur, Gettoliteratur: Zur afroamerikanischen Literatur zwischen den Weltkrie¬gen (1914 1945)," in Berndt Ostendorf, ed., Amerikanische Gettoliteratur: Zur Literatur ethnischer, margi¬naler und unterdrückter Gruppen in den USA (Darmstadt, 1983), pp. 149 233.
- "American Studies Amerikastudien Landeskunde: Probleme einer Didaktik der Amerikastudien," in Lothar Bredella, ed., Die USA in Unterricht und Forschung (Bochum, 1984), pp. 22 39.
- "Black Poetry and Black Music; History and Tradition: Michael Harper and John Coltrane," in Günter H. Lenz, ed., History and Tradition in Afro American Culture (Frankfurt/Main, 1984), pp. 277 326.
- "Urban Ghetto, Symbolic Space, and Communal Rituals: Zur literarischen Verarbeitung Harlems in der Harlem Renaissance," in Lothar Bredella, ed., Das Verstehen einer paradoxen Epoche in Schule und Hochschule: The American 1920s (Bochum, 1985), pp. 78 113.
- "Ishmael Reed," in Hedwig Bock, Albert Wertheim, eds., Essays on the Contemporary American Novel (München, 1986), pp. 305 34.
- "Tradition, Discontinuity, and Counterdiscourse: Some Problems in American Radical Cultural Criticism Since the 1960s," in Günter H. Lenz, Kurt L. Shell, eds., The Crisis of Modernity (Frankfurt/M./Boulder, 1986), pp. 191 249.
- "'Making Our Own Future Text': Neo HooDooism, Postmodernism, and the Novels of Ishmael Reed," in Winfried Herget, K.P. Jochum, Ingeborg Weber, eds., Theorie und Praxis im Erzählen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: Studien zur englischen und amerikani¬schen Literatur zu Ehren von Willi Erzgräber (Tübingen, 1986), pp. 323 44.
- "The Politics of Black Music and the Tradition of Poetry: Amiri Baraka and John Coltrane," Jazzfors¬chung/ Jazz Research 18 (Graz, 1986), pp. 193 231.
- "American Studies and the Radical Tradition: From the 1930s to the 1960s," in Jack Salzman, ed., Pro¬spects 12: An Annual of American Cultural Studies (New York, 1987), pp. 21 58.
- "History, Folk Tradition, and Fictional Voice: Die schwarze Südstaatenliteratur seit dem Civil Rights Movement," Gulliver: Deutsch Englische Jahrbücher 21 (1987), pp. 93 113.
- "The Politics of Traveling Theory: Revisions of Deconstruction, Postmodernism, and Neo Marxism in Recent American Literary Criticism," in Lothar Bredella, Dietmar Haack, eds., Perceptions and Misper¬ceptions: The U.S.A. and Germany Studies in Intercultural Understanding (Tübingen, 1988), pp. 209 40.
- "Symbolic Space, Communal Rituals, and the Surreality of the Urban Ghetto: Harlem in Black Literature from the 1920s to the 1960s," Callaloo 11 (Spring 1988), pp. 309 45.
- "Reconstructing American Literary Studies: History, Difference, and Synthesis," in Günter H. Lenz, Har¬tmut Keil, Sabine Bröck Sallah, eds., Reconstructing American Literary and Historical Studies (Frankfurt/M./ New York, 1990), pp. 21 50.
- "The Politics of American Culture: Kulturelles Selbstverständnis und öffentlicher Diskurs im Amerika der achtziger Jahre," in Franz Greß, Hans Vorländer, eds., Liberale Demokratie in Europa und den USA, Festschrift für Kurt L. Shell (Frankfurt/Main, 1990), pp. 49 70.
- "The Radical Imagination: Revisionary Modes of Radical Cultural Criticism in Thirties America," in Steve Ickringill, ed., Looking Inward Looking Outward: From the 1930s through the 1940s (Amster¬dam, 1990), pp. 94 126.
- "Dokumentarischer Appell und kultureller Gegendiskurs in David Loeb Weiss' No Vietnamese Ever Called Me Nigger," in Mo Beyerle, Christine Noll Brinckmann, eds., Der amerikanische Dokumentarfilm der sechziger Jahre: Direct Cinema und Radical Cinema (Frankfurt/Main, 1991), pp. 412 25.
- "'Ethnographies': American Culture Studies and Postmodern Anthropology," in Jack Salzman, ed., Pro¬spects 16: An Annual of American Cultural Studies (New York, 1991), pp.1-40.
- "Edward W. Said," in Hartmut Heuermann, Bernd Peter Lange, eds., Contemporaries in Cultural Criti¬cism (Frankfurt/M./Bern/New York, 1991), pp. 443 70.
- "Multicultural Critique and the New American Studies," in Hans Bak, ed., Multicultural¬ism and the Ca¬non of American Culture (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1993), pp. 27 56.
- "Black Politics, Community, and Culture: Afro-Amerika im amerikanischen Dokumen¬tarfilm. Eine Einleitung," in Günter H. Lenz, ed., Afro Amerika im amerikanischen Dokumen¬tar¬film (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1993), pp. 7-21.
- "Ethnographic (Re-)Visions and Southern Blues Culture: William Ferris, Jr., Delta Blues Singer: James 'Sonny Ford' Thomas (1970) and Give My Poor Heart Ease: Mississippi Delta Blues Men (1975)," in Günter H. Lenz, ed., Afro Amerika im amerikanischen Dokumen¬tar¬film (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1993), pp. 189-216.
- "After Poststructuralism and Deconstruction: A New American Exceptionalism?," in Gerhard Hoffmann, Alfred Hornung, eds., Affirmation and Negation in Contemporary American Culture (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1994), pp. 177-94 (with Heinz Ickstadt).
- "American Studies: Multikulturalität und Postmoderne," in Berndt Ostendorf, ed., Multikulturelle Gesellschaft: Modell Amerika? (München: Wilhelm Fink, 1994), pp. 167-88.
- "American Studies as Multicultural Critique: Postmodern Culture, Interdisciplinarity, and Intercultural Identities," in Günther Blaicher, Brigitte Glaser, eds., Anglistentag 1993 Eichstätt: Proceedings (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1994), pp. 269-86.
- "Introduction," in Günter H. Lenz, Klaus J. Milich, eds., American Studies in Germany: European Contexts and Intercultural Relations (Frankfurt/Main: Campus, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), pp. 9-25 (with Klaus J. Milich).
- "American Studies" and "New German Critique," in Rüdiger B. Wersich, ed., USA Lexikon: Schlüsselbegriffe zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Geschichte und zu den deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1995), pp. 70-73, 527-528.
- "Transcultural American Studies: Conceptualizing Multicultural Identities and Communities -Some Notes," in Herbert Christ, Michael K. Legutke, eds., Fremde Texte Verstehen: Festschrift für Lothar Bredella (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1996), pp. 191-202.
- "Refractions of Modernity - Reconstituting Modernism in West Germany After World War II: Jackson Pollock, Ezra Pound, and Charlie Parker," in Olaf Hansen, Thomas Liesemann eds., Demokratie und Kunst in Amerika - Democracy and the Arts in the U.S.A.: Festschrift zu Ehren von Martin Christadler (Trieste: Edizioni Parnoaso, 1996), pp. 183-208.
Revised and extended version in Cristina Giorcelli, Rob Kroes, eds. Living With America: 1946-1996 (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1997), pp. 129-70. - "La poetica della Black Music e della poesia nera: Michael Harper, Amiri Baraka, John Coltrane," in Franco Minganti, ed., Jazztoldtales: Jazz e Fiction, letteratura e jazz (Imola: Bacchilega Editore, 1997), pp. 96-134.
- "Transnational American Studies: Negotiating Cultures of Difference, Multicultural Identities, Communities, and Border Discourses," in Klaus J. Milich, Jeffrey Peck, eds., Multiculturalism in Transit: A German - American Exchange (Providence, RI: Berghahn, 1998), p. 129-66. Slightly different version as "Transnational American Studies: Negotiating Multicultural Identities, Communities, and Border Discourses in Cultures of Difference," Annals of Scholarship 12, nos. 3-4 (1998), pp. 139-67.
- "Bebop und die Suche nach säkularer Transzendenz in der nord- und südamerikanischen Literatur der frühe Postmoderne: Jack Kerouacs On the Road und Julio Cortázars El Perseguidor," in Claudius Armbruster, Karin Hopfe, eds., Horizont-Verschiebungen - Interkulturelles Verstehen und Heterogenität in der Romania: Festschrift für Karsten Garscha (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1998), pp. 279-303.
- "Toward a Dialogics of International American Culture Studies: Transnationality, Border Discourses, and Public Culture(s)," Amerikastudien/American Studies 44/1 (1999), pp. 5-23.
- "Internationalizing American Studies: Predecessors, Paradigms, and Dialogical Cultural Critique - A View From Germany," in Rob Kroes, ed., Predecessors: Intellectual Lineages in American Studies (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1999), pp. 226-55.
- "Border Cultures, Creolization, and Diaspora: Negotiating Cultures of Difference in America," in Roland Hagenbüchle, Joseph Raab, eds., Negotiations of America's National Identity, 2 vols. (Tübingen: Stauffenberg, 2000), vol. 2, pp. 362-86.
- "Historians, Histories, and Public Cultures: Multicultural Discourses in the United States and Germany," in Günter H: Lenz, Peter J. Ling, eds., TransAtlantic Encounters: Multiculturalism, Natiional Identity, and the Uses of the Past (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2000), pp. 63-103.
- "Introduction," in Günter H. Lenz, Peter J. Ling, eds., TransAtlantic Encounters: Multiculturalism, National Identity, and the Uses of the Past (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2000), pp. 1-14 (with Peter J. Ling).
- "Multicultural Postmodernism: Cultural Hybridity and Diaspora in Contemporary African American Literary and Cultural Theory," in Susanne Rohr, Peter Schneck, Sabine Sielke, eds., Making America: The Cultural Work of Literature (Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 2000), pp. 235-51.
- "Die kulturelle Dynamik der afroamerikanischen Musik: Duke Ellingtons Kulturbegriff und seine Bedeutung in der afroamerikanischen Literatur und Kritik," in Wolfram Knauer, ed., Duke Ellington und die Folgen, Darmstädter Beiträge zur Jazzforschung (Hofheim: Wolke Verlag, 2000), p. 157-205.
- "Cultural Hybridity and Diaspora in African American Literature and Criticism: Fictions of a Postmodern Multiculturalism," in Utz Riese, ed., Kontakzone Amerika: Literarische Verkehrsformen kultureller Übersetzung (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag, 2000), pp. 73-108.
- "The Politics of African American Literary and Cultural Critique: From the Black Arts/Black Aesthetic Movement to a Black Postmodern Multiculturalism," in Fritz Gysin, Christopher Mulvey, eds., Black Liberation in the Americas (Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 2001), pp. 203-18.
- "Teaching Cultural Difference: Multiculturalism and the Internationalization of American Studies," in Frank Trommler, Elliott Shore, eds., The German-American Encounter: Conflict and Cooperation Between Two Cultures, 1800-2000 (New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2001), 305-24 (with John Carlos Rowe).
- "Die Vermittlung kultureller Differenz: Multikulturalismus und die Internationalisierung der Amerikastudien," in Frank Trommler, Elliott Shore, eds., Deutsch-amerikanische Beziehungen: Konflikt und Kooperation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2001), pp. 379-401, 446-48 (with John Carlos Rowe).
- "Periodization and American Studies," in George T. Kurian et al., eds., Encyclopedia of American Studies, vol. 3 (New York, Danbury: Grolier International, 2001), p. 293-96.
- "Middle Passages: Histories, Re-Memories, and Black Diasporas in Novels by Toni Morrison, Charles Johnson, and Caryl Phillips," in: Gordon Collier, Frank Schulze-Engler, eds., Crabtracks. Progress and Process in Teaching the New Literatures in English, (New York, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002), pp. 235-52.
- "Toward a Dialogics of International American Culture Studies. Transnationality, Border Discourses, and Public Culture(s)," in: Donald E. Pease, Robyn Wiegman, eds., The Futures of American Studies (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002), pp. 461-85.
- "Transculturations: American Studies in a Globalizing World - The Globalizing World in American Studies," ed. Günter H: Lenz, in: Amerikastudien/American Studies 47 (2002), pp. 99-119, "Introduction," pp. 97-98.
- "'The riffs, runs, breaks, and distortions of the music of a community in transition' - Redefining African American Modernism and the Jazz Aesthetic in Langston Hughes' Montage of a Dream Deferred and Ask Your Mama," A Gathering in Honor of JulesChametzky, Massachusetts Review 44, nos. 1 and 2 (2003), pp. 269-82.
- "Mapping Postmodern New York City: Reconfiguring Space, Metropolitan Culture, and Urban Fiction - An Introduction," in Günter H. Lenz, Utz Riese, eds., Postmodern New York City: Transfiguring Spaces - Raum-Transformationen (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2003), pp. 11-32.
- "The Transfiguring Imagination of a Black Urban Modernism - Recodifying Public Space and Cultural Rituals in the Literature, Music, and Art of the Harlem Renaissance," in William Boelhower, Anna Scacchi, eds., Public Space, Private Lives: Race, Gender, Class, and Citizenship in New York 1890-1929 (Amsterdam: VU Press, 2004), pp. 67-96.
- "Irreconcilabilities and Transgressions: Edward W. Said's Idea of a Worldly Criticism - An Introduction," Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 52 (2004), pp. 317-29.
- "The Distinguished W.E.B. Du Bois Lectures: On Public Culture in a Transatlantic Perspective – Introduction," Daniel R. Coats, Richard Sennett, Hayden White, Mark Poster, On Public Culture in a Transatlantic Perspective, Distinguished W.E.B. Du Bois Lectures 2002/2003, Öffentliche Vorlesungen (Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 2005), pp. 5-9 (with Antje Dallmann).
- “New EthniCities: Recodifying Urban Spaces and Intercultural Translation in New York Fictions of the 1990s,” in Günter H. Lenz, Dorothea Löbbermann, Karl-Heinz Magister, eds., CinematoGraphies: Fictional Strategies and Visual Discourses in 1990s New York City (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006), pp.241-70.
- "Literary Transfigurations of Intercultural Translations: New EthniCities and Migratory Topographies in New York Fictions of the 1990s," in Günter H. Lenz, Friedrich Ulfers, Antje Dallmann, eds., Toward a New Metropolitanism: Reconstituting Public Culture, Urban Citizenship, and the Multicultural Imaginary in New York and Berlin (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006), pp. 399-449.
- “Introduction,” in Günter H. Lenz, Friedrich Ulfers, Antje Dallmann, eds., Toward a New Metropolitanism: Reconstituting Public Culture, Urban Citizenship, and the Multicultural Imaginary in New York and Berlin (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006), pp. 11-33.
- "Justice, Governance, Cosmopolitanism, and the Politics of Difference: Reconfigurations in a Transnational World – Introduction," in Kwame Anthony Appiah, Seyla Benhabib, Iris Marion Young, Nancy Fraser, Justice, Governance, Cosmopolitanism, and the Politics of Difference – Reconfigurations in a Transnational World, Distinguished W.E.B. Du Bois Lectures 2004/2005, Öffentliche Vorlesungen (Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 2007), pp. 5-13 (with Antje Dallmann).
- "Radical Cosmopolitanism: W.E.B. Du Bois, Germany, and African American Pragmatist Visions for 21st Century Europe," in Alfred Hornung, Rüdiger Kunow, eds., Representation and Decoration in a Postmodern Age (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009), pp. 65-96.
- "Introduction," and "Redefinitions of Citizenship and Revisions of Cosmopolitanism – Challenges of Transnational Perspectives," Journal of Transnational American Studies (e-journal), 3 (1) Article 17 (2011), 3+17 pp.,
- "Toward a Politics of American Transcultural Studies – Discourses of Diaspora and Cosmopolitanism," in Winfried Fluck, Donald E. Pease, Jr., John Carlos Rowe, eds., Re-Framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies (Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2011), pp. 391-425.