Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Juli 2013              

Metaphysical Speculation in Contemporary Drama. Symposium at Royal Holloway (University of London) Ghosts on Stage: Mourning, Metaphysics, Metatheatricality

November 2012

Englisches Seminar, Universität Zürich

“Embodied Minds in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Twelfth Night

Oktober 2012                   

Transforming Early Modern Identities. Conference at King’s College, London

“Transubstantiation and Identity in Elizabethan England: The Religious Turn Revisited”

September 2012

Interphilologische Ringvorlesung “Shakespearean Dimensions”, Universität Basel

“The Theatrical Topology of Tyranny in Richard III

April 2012           

Annual Conference of the Shakespeare Association of America, Boston

“Confessional Conflict and Elizabethan Romances“

November 2011

Englisches Seminar, Universität Zürich                              

April 2011           

English Department, Universität Bern

“Communion and Cannibalism in Early Modern Prose Fiction”

November 2010

Viel Lärm um Nichts. Herbsttagung der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Universität Zürich

“‘I would eat his heart’: Liebeshunger und Blutdurst in Much Ado About Nothing

März 2010

Early Modern Reformations: Literature, Religion, Aesthetics. Conference at Harvard University

“Spectres of Transubstantiation in Thomas Lodge’s A Margarite of America

Februar 2010    

Humanities Center at Harvard

“Bodies in Disguise: The Eucharist, Cross-Dressing, and Foreign Fashion in Early Modern Prose Fiction”


Renaissance Colloquium. English Department, Harvard University

“Romancing the Eucharist: Philip Sidney’s Arcadia

Juni 2009

Wissenschaft als Beruf. Veranstaltung der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Köln

“Habilitation oder Juniorprofessur?” (gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Cornel Zwierlein)                          

Februar 2009    

Weltliche Wallfahrten. Forschungskonferenz an der Universität Luxemburg

“The Quest for the Body Underneath: Die Säkularisierung der Transsubstantiations-Debatte in englischen Romances der Renaissance”               

Oktober 2008

Anglistentag 2008. Universität Tübingen

“‘This is my Body’: Transubstantiation and Disguise in Early Modern Prose Fiction”

Januar 2008                                        

Theorien der Literatur. Ringvorlesung der Universität Augsburg

“Performance und Performativität - As You Like It”       

Oktober 2007

Conference of the Sixteenth Century Society. Minneapolis, USA

“‘But of course the stage has certain limits’? The adaptation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Shakespeare’s Plays”           

November 2006               

Transcultural Britain. 17th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of British Cultures. Universität Magdeburg

“Screening Austen’s Pride and Prejudice in Transcultural Britain: Little England versus Global Village”

August 2006

Eighth Conference of the European Society for the Study of English    (ESSE 8). Institute of English Studies, University of London

“Hysteria, Trauma, and Melancholia: The Drama of Performative Malady”

Juli 2006

Kontroversen in der Literaturtheorie. Kolloquium der Forschungsstelle Historische Epistemologie und Hermeneutik am Institut für deutsche Literatur, Humboldt Universität Berlin

“Judith Butler versus Martha Nussbaum oder ‚Old-Style’-Feminismus versus  poststrukturalistische Gender-Theorie”

Februar 2006

Documenting Trauma, Documenting Terror. 31st Annual Conference on Literature and Film. Florida State University

“The Trauma Drama of the 1990s”

Dezember 2005

Rhetoriken des Verschwindens. Konferenz an der Universität zu Köln.

“Zurückgekehrt um dramatischer zu verschwinden? Hysterikerinnen im englischsprachigen Theater von 1990‑2002”

Juni 2005

Mapping Uncertain Territories. Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English. International University of Bremen

“‘What discoveries do we bring back from that alien terrain?’ The Spatialisation of Trauma and the Exploration of the Paedophile's Mind in Bryony Lavery's Frozen

März 2005

Graduate Research Group. Birkbeck College, London

“Gender Performativity, Theatrical Performance and Hysteria, Trauma and Melancholy as Performative Maladies”

Februar 2005

...jenseits des Poststrukturalismus? Kolloquium im Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin

“Das ganze Theater um Gender oder Bodies that Matter on Stage”