Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Conferences Organised

Conferences and Panels Organised


April 2013                         München, Shakespeare-Tage 2013

Shakespeare Seminar “Money Matters: Shakespeare’s Finances” (with Felix Sprang)


April 2012                         Bochum, Shakespeare-Tage 2012

Shakespeare Seminar “Believing in Shakespeare: Faith and Doubt on the Elizabethan Stage” (with Felix Sprang)


September 2011                Freiburg, Anglistentag

Panel on “Early Modern Narratives and the Genesis of Genre” (with Gerd Bayer)


April 2011                         Weimar, Shakespeare-Tage 2011 in association with       
                                               the European Shakespeare Research Association

                                      Seminar “Shakespeare’s (Un-)Fortunate Travellers: Maritime  
                                      Adventures across the Genres” (with Felix Sprang)


August 2010                     Stratford-upon-Avon,
                                               International Shakespeare Conference

Seminar “Shakespeare as a Cultural Catalyst: Commemoration, Transformation and Forgetting in and through Shakespearean Plays” (with Tobias Döring)


April 2010                         Bochum, Shakespeare-Tage 2010

Seminars “Shakespeare and the City: The Negotiation of Urban Spaces in Shakespeare’s Plays” (with Felix Sprang)


März 2010                        Humanities Center, Harvard University

International Conference “Early Modern Reformations: Literature, Religion, Aesthetics” (sponsored by the VolkswagenStiftung)


Juni 2009                         Universität Augsburg

International Conference “Melancholia as a Central Discourse in English Literary and Cultural History” (with Martin Middeke; sponsored by the DFG and Kompetenzzentrum für Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaft, Universität Augsburg)


April 2009                         Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
                                               Shakespeare-Tage 2009

Seminar “(Post-)Modernist Responses to Shakespeare” (with Felix Sprang)


April 2008                         Universität Wien, Shakespeare-Tage 2008

Seminar “Shakespearean Foodways: Feasting, Fasting, Playing and Digesting” (with  Sabine Schülting)


Dezember 2004                  Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Conference “Figures of Repetition“ (sponsored by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)