Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dissertations Supervised


Completed (by year):



  • Ilias Ben Mna: When Ronnie Met Holly-Wood: Echoes of Reaganism in Blockbuster Movies Since the 1980s (supervised by PD Dr. Isensee)


  • Yumin Zhang: Masculinities in Transcultural Spaces – Negotiations of Masculinities in Ang Lee’s Films (supervised by PD Dr. R. Isensee and Prof. N. Waller).


  • Philipp Kneis: (S)aged by Culture. Representations of Old Age in American Indian Literature and Culture (supervised by Prof. Dr. R. Kunow and PD Dr. R. Isensee).


  • Matthias Oppermann: American Studies and the Other Academy. Radical Reconstructions Between Curricular Innovation and Cultural Critique.
  • Andrea Schöndube: Illness, Media, and Culture – Ein interkultureller Vergleich von Allergien in englischen und US-amerikanischen Lifestyle-Magazinen (supervised by Prof. Lenz and PD Dr. Isensee).